Developing a technique for hazardous situations warning system design while piloting errors occurrence

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Ied K.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Studying the accident rate of sports aircraft indicates a large number of accidents associated with control loss etc., due to piloting errors and piloting at unacceptable speeds, altitudes and overloads. The current situation requires a flight test methodology developing and specifying airworthiness standards for aerobatic aircraft to improve flight safety.

To define the safe altitude of the maneuver commence, it is also necessary to identify the probabilistic characteristics of piloting errors. Obtaining a functional relationship, based on studying altitude changes in the presence of piloting errors with the regard to the probability of these errors, will allow determine the safe altitude of the maneuver commence with a specified degree of probability.

A mathematical model was developed for studying the impact of pilot’s errors on the changes of trajectory parameters when performing maneuvers on an aircraft.

As a rule, control system of a light sports aircraft is characterized by the extreme simplicity, and is not supplemented with the capability of automated control (autopilot system). Thus, a task arises to develop a warning system, which is not based on automated control (automatic withdrawal from the dangerous altitude), but produces a warning signal only. It requires developing a technique for the warning system developing, which level should be associated directly the probability of the emergency occurrence to prevent this situation transfer to catastrophic one.

The article suggests this problem solving by the technique, according to which it is necessary to supplement the aircraft system with a unit, which would receive velocity and altitude parameters and compare them with the preset values of the acceptable velocities. This is important for warning the pilot on a possible situation to withdraw straightway from the maneuver being performed.


altitude, speed, vertical overload, trajectory parameters changing, warning system


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