Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-1-43-52
1*, 2**1. Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, 85, Garnaeva str, Feodosia, Crimea Republic, 298112, Russia
2. Feodosiya Testing Center (Marine) 969-th State Flight-Testing Center named after V.P. Chkalova SFTC 969, Gagarin str., 8, Feodosiya, village Primorskiy, Republic of Crimea, 298177, Russia
Multi-dome parachute system (MPS) represents a bundle (connected together) of single-dome parachutes. The main advantage of the MPS over single-dome parachute systems (PS) consists in the possibility of their effective employing when heavy and super-heavy loads airdrop, such as military equipment, rocket stages, etc.
Replacing one parachute with an MPS bundle allows:
-reduce the average filling time and height loss when filling the bundle compared with a single parachute of the same area;
- eliminate manufacturing and operation complexity of a large area parachute system (PS), i.e. simplify of manufacturing and operation technology of the PS; significantly simplify parachute packing and PS installing;
- increase domes stability in the bundle and stability of the load descent. A bunch of parachutes composed of unstable domes could become stable in certain cases;
- increase the PS reliability due to the redundancy;
- bring about wide unification while of serial PS development;
- conveniently place (distribute) the PS in the laid state on the airdrop delivery object.
With a view to MPS advent, a number of incompletely explored and poorly studied issues arises, such as:
1. Why do some MPS domes adjoin each other at the steady descent, while the other do not?
2. Why the domes are stable in some MPS, while in the other they are unstable and tend to twisting?
3. Why in some cases the resistance coefficient of a bunch of domes is less than the one of an individual dome, and in the other is greater.
The above said, as well as a number of other issues induce performing thorough studies of multi-dome parachute systems. It was also revealed that a system stable at small perturbations of motion parameters could be unstable at large perturbations.
The experiment shows that the nature of the domes operation can change in a bundle. Stable domes in a bundle can turn out to be unstable. There were cases when unstable domes in a bundle became stable, both in the process of filling and steady descent. The system stability increases with the number of domes increasing in the bundle. It was found that employing MPS was more preferable from the stability viewpoint of descent of the object-parachute system.
With an increase in the number of parachutes in a bundle from three and more, the maximum angle of the object’s pitching practically did not change.
Fluctuations of the object-parachute system with more than three parachutes in a bundle practically independent from the parachute design.
With the number of parachutes in a bundle from one to three, the parachute design significantly affects the system fluctuations.
The article pays certain attention to the main quality indicator of the object-parachute system, namely its reliability.
To sum up, we note the following. The article briefly presents some important results of the study on multi-dome parachute systems. The following main issues were considered:
- the advantages and disadvantages of the MPS; problematic issues, which solving the MPS require;
- the problem of the leader dome and interference interaction of domes in a bundle;
- resistance coefficient and dynamic coefficient of the bundle domes;
- techniques for reducing dynamic coefficient value and aerodynamic load on the MPS due to the domes corrugation and the brake parachutes employing;
- the problem of non-simultaneous of domes filling in a bundle;
- design factors effect (extension and connecting links), as well as the number of domes in a bundle on some MPS characteristics;
- loss of height while the filling the MPS parachutes bundle;
- issues of the object-MPS system stability;
- the issue of the object-MPS system reliability.
multi-dome parachute system, a bunch of single-dome parachutes, dome-leader, the coefficient of resistance of a bunch of domes, multi-dome parachute system stabilityReferences
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