Optimal appearance determining technique of cargo parachute system at early design stages

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-1-76-87


Aruvelli S. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: saruvelli@gmail.com


The purpose of the presented article consists in technique developing for optimal appearance determining of the gliding cargo parachute system at the early design stages according to the two optimality criteria, namely, lift-to-drag ratio and cost of the parachute system materials. These criteria reflect the facts that maximum flight range depends on the lift- to-drag ratio, and cost of materials minimization reflects the cost-effectiveness of the system. The lift- to-drag ratio to cost relationship forms the existence domain of the gliding parachute system, which facilitates the decision-making based on operation requirements and relative cost of the systems.

The problem of the optimal appearance determining is set as multidisciplinary multi-objective optimization problem based on MDF architecture and genetic algorithm. The algorithm is classified as a stochastic global search method in a mixed integer statement of the optimization problem.

As the result of the work, a technique for the optimal appearance determining of a gliding cargo parachute system at the early design stages according to the two performance criteria, namely, the lift-to- drag ratio and the cost of the parachute system materials, but with the possibility of changing and increasing the number of performance criteria, was developed.

The results of this work can be used in the parachute making industry when developing integrated computer-aided design (CAD) systems for gliding cargo parachute systems. The developed technique for the optimal appearance determining of gliding cargo parachute system can be used both in the design process of new parachute systems with improved characteristics, as well as for old structures modernization by redesigning individual elements of the system.

The technique was tested on the task of the appearance determining of the system for a payload weight of 135 kg. A comparison was made with one of several existing typical gliding cargo parachute systems of this class, which revealed that the optimized configuration of the parachute system was more cost- effective than those existing ones.


gliding parachute system, optimal appearance of parachute system, multi-disciplinary optimization of gliding parachute system, multicriteria of gliding parachute system


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