Asymmetry parameters assessment technique while descent spacecraft design

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-1-100-107


Lashin V. S.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



Over the past decade, the interest in Mars exploration has increased, as evidenced by the number of modern missions, both domestic and foreign, for the “Red Planet” reclamation and studying. All in all, 44 missions of spacecraft from different countries were sent to Mars. The following well-known missions can be presented as an example:

-                the interplanetary station of the European Space Agency ESA (European Space Agency), as well as the Beagle-2 lander;

-                ExoMars, which is a joint program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian state-owned corporation Roscosmos, consisting of orbital and descent (Schiaparelli) vehicles;

-                Mars Science Laboratory, which is NASA program, under which the third-generation Curiosity Mars rover was successfully delivered and operated to Mars;

-                InSigh, whicht is NASA program for the delivery of a research lander with a seismometer to Mars.

As a part of these missions, the uncontrolled descent of the spacecraft in the atmosphere of Mars was considered. The majprity of such descents ends in failure, which may indirectly indicate errors at the design stage of the spacecraft.

The presented article considers the problem of a small descent spacecraft designing that performs uncontrolled motion in the atmosphere of Mars. The task of a small descent spacecraft designing begins with selection of this spacecraft shape. It is well-known that most of the descent vehicles involved in the of the of Mars surface exploration are of a segmental-conical shape.

The purpose of this work consists in obtaining a technique for assessing permissible deviations of the spacecraft parameters, which affect the secondary resonance effects origination during descent. It is well- known that the presence of various types of asymmetry may be the cause of a long-continued resonance realization, or resonance effects. Resonant phenomena can lead to a significant increase in the angle of attack or angular velocity of the descent vehicle.

It is worth noting that the authors consider a design technique for a spacecraft with a small initial angular velocity, which it apparatus acquires due to non-ideal conditions while separation from the orbital complex. The angular velocity herewith can increase and enter a long-continued resonance under the impact of the secondary resonance.

The gist of the method consists in finding maximum values of the asymmetry parameters at which the angular velocity does not reach resonance values.

Given that at small angles of attack the derivative of the angular velocity is proportional to the generalized asymmetry parameter, we find the range of acceptable values.

It follows from the obtained scheme for the admissible values area determining that until the symmetry parameter satisfies this inequality the angular speed does not reach its resonant values by the secondary resonant effect. As a consequence to this fact, there is no realization of the long-continued resonance, which can lead to disturbances in the parachute system operation.

By applying this technique for determining the region of permissible deviations of the descent vehicle asymmetry parameters, the effects of the long- continued resonance on both angular velocity and angle of attack values can be eliminated.


mass and inertial asymmetries of the descent spacecraft, externally stable resonance, generalized spacecraft asymmetry parameter, secondary resonance effects, design technique for segmental conical shape of a spacecraft


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