Magnet current impact on start-up processes of stationary plasma thruster

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-1-144-151


Komarov A. A.1*, Semenenko D. A.1**, Pridannikov S. Y.1, Rumyantsev А. V.2***

1. Experimental Design Bureau “Fakel”, 181, Moskovsky av, Kaliningrad, 236001, Russia
2. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, IKBFU, 14, A. Nevskogo str., Kaliningrad, 236041, Russia



An important characteristic of the electro-jet thruster is its start-up time. The thruster start-up time reducing requires optimization of parameters, affecting the start-up process. Cathode heater power, the value of the flow rate into cathode at start-up, the ignition pulses magnitude and duration, and the magnetic field magnitude in the acceleration channel are related to these parameters. One of the parameters that affecting the thruster start-up process is the starting level of the magnet current. The magnet current reducing facilitates the thruster start-up. However, the magnet current reduction is accompanied by the adverse factors, such as discharge current oscillations building- up upon the startup, and increasing of the inrush discharge current. The root mean square value of the discharge current oscillations herewith can reach up to 70% of the discharge current level. The article presents the results of tests on determining the magnet current impact on the processes occurring while the thruster start-up. The test objective was to define a minimum level of a magnet current, at which a thruster start-up would be accompanied by transition to a stable operating mode without the discharge current oscillations evolution. The tests were performed with the SPT-140 thruster. A special attention during the tests was paid to the changes of the discharge current oscillations and inrush discharge current surge. Oscilloscope patterns, giving an idea on the magnet current impact on these parameters, were obtained in accordance with the results of these tests. Minimum level of the magnet current at the startup, which did not lead to the discharge current oscillation evolution, was obtained in accordance with the results of these tests. The effect of the magnet current on the discharge current inrush surge level and oscillations while startup was demonstrated. It was determined that the SPT-140 thruster was proceeding to unstable operation mode at the startup with the magnet current less than 3 A. At the same time, the magnet current magnitude practically does not affect the value of the inrush discharge current surge.


stationary plasma thruster, start-up, magnetic field, discharge current oscillations, inrush discharge current


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