Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-37-48
*, **, ***Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
One of the main stages in the design and modernization of the aircraft is a wind tunnel experiment. For this reason, further development and improvement of the wind tunnel test technique is necessary. A number of fundamental problems have to be solved to improve the accuracy of the experimental studies, one of them is the implementation of an interference free flow over the model. Existing approaches, such as permeable walls (perforated or slotted), adaptive walls or jet boundaries, do not allow us to close the issue of test section walls influence on aerodynamic characteristics of the model due to some disadvantages. In the framework of this analysis, a prospective boundary condition is studied, which is a combination of perforated boundaries and a controlled boundary layer.
The efficiency of using combined jet-perforated boundaries was investigated in test series with the models of aircraft and missile layouts at high subsonic and transonic speeds. Models were tested in solid and perforated walls, as well as in combined jet-perforated boundaries in TsAGI T-112 trisonic facility.
Models of civil aircraft were geometrically-similar schematized models. An approach based on the use of geometrically-similar models allows us to obtain useful estimates of the effectiveness of applying certain boundaries. It is assumed that proper choice of boundary conditions should ensure the coincidence of the obtained aerodynamic characteristics of various scales models. As a result, the basic aerodynamic characteristics of the models were obtained, as well as in the model location zone the boundary layer parameters were measured. The obtained experimental results show that the use of combined jet-perforated boundaries causes a noticeable increase in the boundary layer and its integral characteristics (the displacement thickness and the moment thickness). Thus, the curves corresponding to the lift and pitch moment coefficients in the combined jet-perforated boundaries coincided almost completely that indicates the least influence of the walls of the WT test section.
To analyze the obtained experimental results, numerical modeling of the flow around three-dimensional models was carried out. Numerical research at various boundaries makes it possible to significantly reduce the required amount of experimental studies. Simulation of the unbounded flow around the model allows obtaining the interference-free aerodynamic characteristics of the model, which must also be obtained with the correct selection of the boundary conditions in the wind tunnel test section. Their complete coincidence means solving the wall interference problem.
As a result, a comparison was made of the obtained experimental data in a wind tunnel and a numerical study for the missile layout model. The comparison was carried out for the lift and pitch moment coefficients depending on the angle of attack. Finally, it can be concluded that a new type of boundary condition that is a combination of perforated walls and a controlled boundary layer can effectively eliminate the influence of the WT test section walls on the aerodynamic characteristics of the model. Thus, new type of boundary condition has great prospects for implementation in new aerodynamic installations, as well as in the modernization of existing ones.
wind tunnel, wall interference, boundary layer, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)References
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