Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-84-93
*, **, ***Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: axe_backdraft@inbox.ru
**e-mail: nastya-gorozhankina@yandex.ru
***e-mail: grand_99v@mail.ru
The article analyzes a possible design layout of a promising small spacecraft for technological purposes. Specific requirements for such devices are requirements for micro-accelerations, which, on the one hand, determine the possibility and feasibility of implementing a particular gravity-sensitive technological process onboard the spacecraft, and, on the other hand, impose requirements for the orientation and motion control system of the spacecraft.
Since there are no fully implemented projects of small spacecraft for technological purposes at this stage of space technology development, the experience of designing and operating medium-class spacecraft and orbiting space stations is under discussion. However, small spacecraft have their own specifics in terms of the super-dense layout. Thus, while designing small spacecraft this experience should be significantly reworked with account for this feature.
The design requirements for the small spacecraft and its orientation and motion control system are formed in view of meeting the requirements for micro-accelerations that contribute to the favorable implementation of gravitationally sensitive processes, and with account for other features of small spacecraft. This feature consists in a significantly higher ratio of the mass of elastic elements to the spacecraft total mass for a small spacecraft than for spacecraft of other classes. This feature affects the actuating devices selection of the orientation and motion control system of a small spacecraft, as well as the characteristics of these actuating devices.
The results of this work can be used in the development of small spacecraft for technological purposes.
small spacecraft of technological purpose, gravity-sensitive processes, design layout, micro-accelerationsReferences
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