Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-103-110
*, **Ulyanovsk State Technical University,Institute of aviation technologies and management, 13A, Sozidateley av., Ulyanovsk, 432059, Russia
Agricultural aviation is aviation employed for agricultural work. Agricultural aviation is applied most often for spraying fertilizers (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides) on agricultural crops, as well as for crops fertilizing, defoliation, desiccation, and somewhat less often for air seeding (hydro-seeding, i.e. seeds sowing with water flows under pressure).
The agricultural airplane developing is a necessity since it ensures the most effective work, associated with watering and visual surveillance of the acreage planted.
Besides, the agricultural land cultivation is being performed at the best agrotechnical terms, such as early spring, when the ground machinery is not yet able to operate due to the impassability.
The study consists in analyzing the most important problems of agricultural aircraft designing, using modern CAD, CAE systems. The authors considered several small Russian airplanes, on which basis the primary technical characteristics of the future product, as well as the most successful solutions of the airframe were selected. A detailed justification of the aircraft airframe layout is presented. The main problem of this project consists in the lack of competitive small aircraft from the domestic manufacturers, meeting modern requirements and economic capabilities of the potential consumers.
A 3D model of a piston-engined single-engine monoplane with a low-lying wing, which shell is made of composite materials, was designed as an object of research. Composite materials application for the aircraft airframe allowed solving plenty of the problems associated with the corrosion resistance, as well as enhance the landing gear struts reliability, which strength is especially important for the takeoff from the unprepared runway. The article presents solutions on structural appearance of the airframe elements and aggregates from modern composite materials, ensuring the possibility of developing and manufacturing of competitive aircraft of the “small aviation”. Digital modelling techniques were employed while this airplane creation, which allowed developing reasonable aerodynamic scheme.
aerochemistry works, aerodynamic scheme, agricultural aircraft, digital modeling, design specifications, trapezoidal one-piece wingReferences
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