Developing technique for impact action resistance determining of the aircraft parts from composites with honeycomb filler

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-111-125


Bezzametnov O. N.*, Mitryaikin V. I.**, Khaliulin V. I.***, Krotova E. V.****

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia



The presented study is focused on determining the impact resistance and survivability characteristics of panel samples with the honeycomb filler and fragments of helicopter blades. The problems, associated with developing and producing the experimental samples impact tests performing, as well as studying the character and geometry characteristics of damages were being solved while these works execution. The authors developed a technique for impact resistance determining of aircraft sandwiched composite parts with honeycomb filler. The composite sandwiched structures in the form of the helicopter steering and main rotor fragments, and standard samples of the sandwiched panels with the honeycomb filler were the objects of the study. Carbon composite skins and honeycombed filler from aramid paper were employed for the panels manufacturing. The blade fragments represented the structures composed of T-25 fiberglass plastic layers with honeycomb or foam filler placed between them.

A technique for inflicting impact damages by vertically falling load, and registering such parameters as impact energy, maximum loading and impactor penetration depth was developed while laboratory studies. Application of piezometric transducers while impact tests allowed registering diagrams of the impact damage, which, besides the general energy-force assessment, allow step-by-step studying of the impact loading. The impact energy for the samples of sandwich-panels was being selected from the condition of incomplete destruction ensuring (2 J), and initiating significant damages of the skin and filler (10 J). The damages character studies of the helicopter steering and main rotor blades fragments were conducted within the energies range of 5–50 J. The depths of dents and cracks were determined by the digital indicator head. Computer tomography was employed for internal diagnostics of the damaged samples. Tomograms of the blades sections allowed studying stage-by-stage growth of damages in dependence of the impact loading increasing.

It can be declared by the results of this work that already small impact energies lead to dent on the skin forming, and crumpling of the honeycomb filler with partial destruction. At the impact energy of 10 J, significant destruction of skins and filler under them is being observed. The breakdown and cleavage of the skin material along the panel length are being observed on the external side of the sandwich-panel subjected to the impact. The tomographic images of the tail rotor blade show fractures of the fiberglass plastic layer and crumpling of the foam filler. Analysis of the main rotor blade sections also revealed the fracture of the skin upper layer and subsequent compression of the honeycomb filler.


honeycomb panels, composites, sandwiched structures, impact actions, damages, non-destructive inspection, computer tomography


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