Studying thermal state of the cryogenic fuel tank at the liquid fuel “mirror” vacillations

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-126-138


Aslanov A. R.*, Stol’nikov A. M.**, Raznoschikov V. V.***

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Fuel resources provision is a key problem of the industrial and post-industrial world economies development. In this regard, science and technology are facing the problems of developing new alternative types of fuels in return of the conventional oil fuel or liquefied hydrocarbon gas. One of these fuels is cryogenic fuel, which is currently widely used in rocket and space technology. It is customary to assign the liquid hydrogen, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and cryogenic propane to the cryogenic fuels. These fuels are more environmentally friendly than traditional aviation kerosene, as well as possess better thermal properties, such as greater calorific value, cooling resource and the value of the gas constant, which determines the workability of the gasified cryofuel. This provides a potential opportunity to obtain high flight characteristics of promising aircraft.

The Russian Federation ranks the first in terms of proven LNG reserves in the world as of 2018. In this regard, the LNG is the most optimal choice of cryogenic fuel for Russia. However, to get the maximum benefit from the LNG application, the properly designed cryogenic fuel tanks (CFT) for the cryogenic fuel storing onboard an aircraft, and accounting for the thermo-physical and hydrodynamic processes in the CFT are necessary. For example, disturbances on the surface of the cryogenic liquid in the tank can affect the main CFT parameters (heat flows, temperatures, and pressure), which can lead to the early response of the safety valve (SV), and, consequently, to a greater loss of fuel through the SV.

The article presents a comparison of the CFT thermal state in the presence of vacillations on the liquid surface and in their absence. The LNG in the tank herewith is at the saturation line. It was found in the course of the study that the presence of disturbances on the liquid surface led to the increase of thermal flow between the gas in the above-the-fuel area and the liquid fuel by 69.85 W.

In the presence of fluctuations, the gas temperature in the above-the-fuel area is less by 18.47 K than in their absence at the accepted initial data. However, the presence of disturbances on the liquid surface does not practically affect the mass of the fuel discharged through the SV, since the LNG in the tank is at the saturation line. With the presence of vacillations, the thermal flow between the gas and liquid in the tank, evaporation rate (gas mass) and pressure in the above-the-fuel area are increasing, but the LNG boiling temperature rising herewith as well.


aircraft engines, cryogenic fuel, cryogenic fuel tank, vacillations on the liquid fuel surface in the tank, thermal state of the cryogenic fuel tank


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