Diagnostics algorithm with gas turbine engine mathematical model application

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-155-166


Ahmed H. S.*, Osipov B. M.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia

*e-mail: hersh_ise19@mail.ru
**e-mail: obm0099@yandex.ru


As a rule, the state parameters, which changing allows detecting the engine failures, change directly neither while operation, nor while bench testing. Usually, the other combination of parameters, called the status signs, is being measured. These are temperature, pressure, fuel and air consumption, rotor rotation frequency etc. A well-defined combination of state parameters corresponds to each combination status signs. The structural diagram of the developed algorithm for the gas turbine engine monitoring and state diagnostics by thermo-gas-dynamic parameters is being performed by the two stages:

1. Determining the engine gas-air channel serviceability.

The results of the engine bench tests are being loaded to the control unit, which main purpose consists in making decision on the engine state in the «serviceable — non-serviceable» form. In the case when the control unit operation results indicate the serviceable condition of the engine gas-air channel control is being transferred to the algorithm input.

2. Determining the serviceable node of the engine gas-air channel.

The main task of the diagnostics unit consists in identifying the non-serviceable assemblies of the engine with the specified probability and computing the state parameters corresponding to them. After printing the diagnostics message, control is being transferred again to the algorithm input, and the monitoring and diagnostics process can be continued.

The measured parameters undergo pre-processing according to the technique being employed at the enterprise. After that, computations according to the mathematical model on the same modes are being performed. The algorithm for monitoring and diagnosing of a gas turbine engine state is based on the assumption of the existence of the adequate non-linear mathematical model of the engine under testing, as well as known values of the state parameters and signs of the reference engine in the diagnostics mode.

In the course of tests of the diagnosed engine, the status signs are being determined, while the state parameters are unknown. In the general case, the dependence of the state signs on the state parameters is nonlinear. Thus, the linear models have to be obtained on a number of basic modes, bearing in mind that deviations from the given mode when using such models are possible within 10%.


aircraft gas turbine engine, technical diagnostics, thermodynamic parameters, mathematical model, diagnostics algorithm, identification methods


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