Mechanisms for forming median-energy ions in the jets of stationary plasma thrusters

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-186-197


Nadiradze A. B.1*, Frolova Y. L.2**

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article presents the analysis results of the ions median-energy ions angular and power distribution in the jets of stationary plasma thrusters. The data on the BHT-1500 thruster at the 700 V mode were used for the analysis. The article demonstrates that content of the median-energy ions is about 35% of total ion flow of the jet, and its contribution to the thrust is 25%. Energy specters of the median-energy ions differ greatly at the small and large escape angles. At the small escape angles the number of median-energy increases, and decreases at the large ones.

It is revealed that median-energy ions are being formed in the discharge area, and in the nearest part of the jet. Particles of the background gas do not participate in the processes of their generation, and, therefore, it may be considered that the median-energy ions are ions of the jet, rather than secondary ions being formed under conditions of the test bench. The background pressure effect on the median-energy ions content is insignificant.

Three mechanisms of median-energy ions generation occurring due to collision such as late ionization and further acceleration in the discharge area; charge-exchange and further acceleration in the discharge area, and elastic scattering in the discharge area and in the nearest part of the jet were examined. It was revealed that the median-energy ions formation according to any of the above-mentioned mechanisms was possible only in the areas of local non-uniformity of the electric field and of neutral particles flows. Such non-uniformities can appear near discharge channel walls or due to the cathode asymmetrical position.

The article presents the model of median-energy ions generation due to accelerated ions elastic scattering. Good qualitative agreement with experiments on both angular distribution and ion power spectra was obtained. However, the obtained scattering coefficient of about 40% cannot be substantiated within the framework of this model. In this regard, the presented model can be examined so long only as the working hypothesis. For clarifying the true mechanisms of median-energy ions generation the 3D kinetic model describing processes in the accelerating ducts of the thruster and in the nearest area of the jet, accounting for the cathode position and effect of the residual atmosphere particles of the vacuum chamber, is required. Much more detailed measurements of the fields of the particles and electric field in the direct vicinity to the outlet cross-section of the duct are required as well.


stationary plasma thruster, jet parameters, energy spectrum, angular distribution, ions of average energies, dissipation model


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