Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-198-208
1*, 1**, 2***, 3****1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
2. “Turbine SK”, 96, Finskaya str., Samara, 443011, Russian
3. “Kuznetsov”, 29, Zavodskoye shosse, Samara, 443009, Russia
*e-mail: kan@ssau.ru
**e-mail: s_plotnikov@hotmail.com
***e-mail: sunduckov@mail.ru
****e-mail: motor@kuznetsov-motors.ru
The increased lateral clearance of the toothed gearing leads to shock interaction of the wheels’ teeth, resonance vibrations excitation, tooth harmonics intensity growth and accelerated wear of the teeth lateral surfaces. The conducted studies allowed proposing a number of new diagnostic signs of the lateral gap value. The work was performed based on the analysis of vibration state of the differential gearbox of the NK-12MP turboprop engine. Fourteen engines undergone the refurbishment at the manufacturing plant were being considered. The performed analysis revealed that the following signs could be used as diagnostic signs:
– a series of harmonics, the frequency of the first of which is defined as the product of the rotation speed of the sun gear in reduced motion by the number of satellites and n-dimensional vector from them;
– the RMS deviation of the rotor rotation frequency of the turbocharger and the shaft of the rear air screw (gear box driven shaft), obtained from the corresponding signals of the “standard” tachometric rotor speed sensors;
– subharmonic components with the multiplicities of 0.5 and 1.5 of the sun pinion speed;
– the amplitude modulation depth of tooth harmonic at the intermodulation component;
– frequency modulation index at the frequencies of the first harmonic in absolute motion, the second and the third harmonics in relative motion of the sun pinion and intermodulation components.
The appropriate approximating dependences have been obtained for all diagnostic features, and norms, using the maximum allowable value of the lateral clearance of 0.43 mm, have been set. It was demonstrated on both vibration parameters and signals from the tachometric sensors of the shafts rotation frequency that lateral clearance increasing “sun pinion-satellites” pair led to its decreasing in the “epicycle-satellites” pair. The obtained dependencies are of both linear and highly nonlinear character with the lateral clearance value growth.
All above said allows drawing the following inferences.
The performed analysis allowed revealing a number of new diagnostic signs of a lateral gap of a “sun gear-satellites” gearing pair of the differential gearbox of the of turboprop engine.
Diagnostic signs from both the signal of vibration transducer and signals from the “standard” tachometric sensors of rear screw shaft and turbine compressor were revealed, which allows performing diagnostics of the lateral clearance value without installing extra sensors on the engine and ensuring this parameter monitoring while operation process.
turboprop engine, differential gearbox, lateral clearance of the toothed gearing, diagnostic signsReferences
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