Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-209-218
*, **, ***Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, 38, Pilotov str., St. Petersburg, 196210, Russia
The article considers the problem of predicting conflicts between aircraft and vehicles at the airfield. According to the ICAO data, the share of moving out of the runway limits and unauthorized entering the runway is about 30% of the total number of aviation accidents, each tenth accident herewith is associated with human casualties.
The existing surveillance aids (surface movement radar, MLAT, ADS-B) and automation systems A-SMGCS of levels 1 and 2 are not capable of ensuring the appropriate prediction of objects movement paths at the aerodrome. To solve this problem, the authors propose equipping all vehicles with special terminals to inform the air traffic controller on the supposed movement path and the movement commence. Using these terminals the drivers indicate the route and time of the movement commence, creating thereby the database on the transport traffic parameters along the aerodrome. The flight management system will perform the function of this terminal onboard the aircraft. On entering the prohibited area, or deviation from movement path a warning signal is issued for both the driver and air traffic controller. If the driver ignored it, the air traffic controller takes actions to prevent the conflict. The movement paths entered in advance allow analyzing the current situation in automatic mode and identifying potential conflicts during the required time interval. Thus, the proposed system will allow ensuring the A-SMGCS automation levels of 3 and 4. The authors suggest employing the MeSH networks for the data transfer, which allow transferring data, video, images, realizing voice communication and the possibility of the network subscribers’ position location. In addition, subscribers will be able to exchange information about their location, which will increase the awareness of drivers and pilots, and allow them taking decisions independently in case of an unexpected situation.
ground traffic safety, A-SMGCS, conflicts prediction, motion path, MeSH networkReferences
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