Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science
Machine science, drive systems and machinery
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-229-239
1*, 1**, 2***1. Company Avionica, 7, Obraztsova str., Moscow, 127055, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: abdulin@mnpk.ru
**e-mail: podshibneff@mail.ru
***e-mail: samsonovich40@mail.ru
The presented work deals with the problem of designing the aircraft electromechanical actuators of a translational type. The object of the study is a ball-and-screw transmission with separator, which presence in the structure ensures advanced reliability and stipulates less production costs due to the absence of the internal thread and a unit for balls spillover inside the nut.
It is well-known that in the ball-and-screw transmissions with recirculation of rolling bodies the unevenness of load distribution among the rolling bodies takes place, and the value of the load distribution unevenness ratio depends on the thread parameters.
The presented work proposes analytical determining of the load distribution unevenness ratio in the ball-and-screw transmissions with separator. The equation of the screw and separator turns deformation compatibility was compiled, which solution allowed obtaining analytical dependencies of the load distribution function along the screw helical centerline of the ball-and-screw transmission with separator.
The effect of such design parameters of the transmission as the number of turns and the width of the separator wall on the unevenness of the load distribution was studied. It was established that this transmission had the largest value of the load distribution unevenness ratio at the maximum possible thickness of the separator, and the load distribution unevenness increased with the number of turns increasing.
Based on the results obtained, the technique for calculating design parameters of the ball-and – crew transmission with separator was refined.
Application of ln parameter, characterizing the number of working turns and accounting for the load distribution unevenness ratio was proposed for engineering calculations.
It was demonstrated that while design parameters selecting of the ball-and-screw transmission with separator, the required loading capacity is achieved by both the nut length increasing at the small diameter of the screw and increasing diameter of the screw with the short nut.
ball-and-screw transmission with separator, load distribution in the ball-and-screw transmission with separatorReferences
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