Parameters optimization technique for the carrier rocket with modular booster block modification

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-71-80


Kryuchkov M. D.

Corporation Moscow Institute for Heat Technology, 10, Beryozovaya alleya St., Moscow, 127273, Russia



Most of the existing launch vehicles are being equipped with booster blocks, performing sequential spacecraft deployment into a specified orbit. However, a scheme with individual spacecraft leading-out by the last, modular, launch vehicle stage is possible as well.

As experience shows, when creating a launch vehicle with solid propellant rocket engines, borrowing of a number of elements is the case.

The problem statement can be formulated as follows: find such a vector of the basic design parameters so that the launch vehicle launch mass will be minimal, and a number of restrictions herewith, namely by the payload mass, size, the borrowed elements parameters will be met.

The task of a launch vehicle with modular stage III booster block (BB III) designing is:

– multi-criteria;

– multi-parametric.

The method of constraints is used to solve a multi-criteria problem.

The problem feature consists in the fact that while searching for the rational design solution, concurrently changes the vector of the determining parameters (mass and geometric ratios coefficients, which values depend on the design solutions for the BB III modules). Various approaches to the problem solution are possible.

The article presents a two-level coordinated optimization method.

When implementing the two-level coordinated optimization method, the upper-level model is being refined according to the lower-level data, which allows increasing the calculations accuracy without resorting to the excessive expansion of design models. The control parameters (design parameters) at the (i + 1)- th level are being selected so as to ensure a more detailed description of the object compared with the i-th level of detailing, the vectors of the parameters, being selected at different levels, at that should not contain the same elements. The great attention herewith is paid to the agreement assessing of the design solutions at both i-th and (i + 1)-th levels of the development management.

A study on the model example was performed for the launch vehicle with a solid propellant engine of bout 50 tons launch mass, with every module weight of 250 kg.

The presented graphs demonstrate the process of design solutions coordination at the i-th and (i + 1)- th levels of development management.

The two-level matched optimization method allows finding a rational solution without significant expansion of the design models.


modular-type launch vehicle, modular-type booster block, spacecraft parallel leading-out, two-level coordinated optimization method


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