Optimal parameters selection of the strike unmanned aerial vehicle power plant

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-105-116


Agaverdyev S. V.1*, Zinenkov Y. V.1**, Lukovnikov A. V.2***

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia

*e-mail: longo38@yandex.ru
**e-mail: yura2105@mail.ru
***e-mail: Lukovnikof@mail.ru


Strike unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) more than once proved their efficiency while performing special missions in various local conflicts. For this reason, Military Forces of large foreign countries pass the UAVs of this kind into service already for several years. In Russian Federation, similar UAVs are only at the stage of development. The problem of the power plant creating for any kind of aerial vehicle at this stage is one of the basic, and the problem of developing aviation engine for it relates to the most complex ones.

The presented work set and solved the task on determining optimal parameters of the operating procedure, control program for the bypass turbofan engine (TFE) and the power plant dimensionality, ensuring the best values of the selected efficiency criteria of “Scat” type strike UAV, while its performing characteristic mission tasks with account for its aerodynamic, mass-volume and flight performances.

To conduct this study the authors developed a technique, in which «Aircraft and Engine» instrumental-software complex and IOSO_NM 2.0 optimization pack are the basic program tools.

Parameters matching based on the statistical data on the power plant, aerial vehicle and their aggregate while the mission task modelling was performed for the purpose of forming the “base option” of the objet under study, relative to which the effectiveness of the appearance options being formed was estimated. Aviation engine RD-33 as a power plant engine prototype, and the “Skat” strike UAV breadboard model as an airframe were selected, while mission program was trained based on the typical combat assignments for the fighters.

Range parameters for the two mission programs, characterizing its functional purpose were accepted as the effectiveness criteria of the UAV under study.

Parametric studies of the “base option” were performed to determine regularities of the effect of the TFE and power plant working process parameters, the UAV airframe and parameters of their matching on both altitude-velocity and throttle performance of the engine, as well as on the UAV’s integral parameters and selected efficiency criteria. Analysis of the obtained results was performed, and boundary values of the parameters, at which physical existence of the studied object was observed, which was necessary for the varied parameters values range selection, were revealed.

As the result of the optimization problem solving, the UAV and its power plant parameters were determined from the condition of achieving the flight ranges maximum by the two formed mission programs while fulfilling all design specifications, imposed on the strike UAV under study. The flight range according to the first program herewith increased by 13-20% compared to the “base” variant, and 9-10% according to the secondo one.

The authors plan hereafter to perform the power plant efficiency estimation of “Skat” type strike UAV comparison with the other engine schemes.

The practical value of the presented work, consisting in the fact that its results may be employed by the scientific and design organizations preoccupied with prospective UAV and its power plant development, in ordering Air Force and industry organizations while requirements substantiating to the new samples of aviation engineering, as well as aviationand engineering universities while educational process improving.


“Skat” strike unmanned aerial vehicle, power plant efficiency estimation, working process of the dual-flow turbojet engine, altitude-velocity performance, UAV throttle characteristics


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