Calculation results of temperature fields while grinding workpieces from titanium alloys by abrasive belts of various types

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-117-123


Balyakin A. V.*, Skuratov D. L.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article presents calculation technique, which allows defining temperature fields in the machining zone while workpices shaping at the belt grinding operations by abrasive belts of various types, such as the ones:

– with the solid working area;

– intermittent, containing areas with abrasive grains and without them;

– composite, containing areas with abrasive grains, solid lubricant and without abrasive grains.

The technique includes analytical dependences for the temperature fields calculating, as well as equations for the thermo-physical parameters defining, which are necessary for these calculations, and a table with the values of the coefficient, determining what share of the thermal power, released while grinding, enters the workpiece while various groups of materials machining.

The article presents the results of numerical experiment on temperature fields calculation, performed relating to the belt grinding operations of gas turbine engine blades from VT9 and VT20 titanium alloys by abrasive belts of various types, namely, solid, intermittent and composite. It follows from the results of the experiment that at grinding the blades workpieces of the gas turbine engine inlet guide vane from the VT20 titanium alloy, application of intermittent belt instead of the solid one allowed temperature reduction in the contact zone of about 17.5%. At the same time, composite belt application instead of the solid one while grinding blades of the low-pressure compressor of the gas turbine engine allowed average contact temperature reduction by 38%. It was found that, depending on the machining mode, application of abrasive belts with intermittent working surface, i.e. with the sections without grains, as well as ones without grains and with solid lubricant allowed significant reduction, or total elimination of the burn marks on the machined surfaces of the work pieces.

Application of the foregoing technique allows predicting both structural and phase states of the surface layer of the workpieces being machined while belt-grinding operations in the presence of the metastable phase diagrams of the materials being machined.


abrasive belt grinding, titanium alloys, compressor blades, temperature field calculation technique, calculation results


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