Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-159-172
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
Despite the variety of the existing approaches, as of today, no universal technique, allowing accounting for the set of complex chemical and gas dynamic process while developing and modeling low-emission combustion chambers of gas turbine engines (GTE) accomplished in the framework of the LPP (Lean Prevaporized Premixed) concept has been developed. The LPP-chamber operation is based on low-temperature combustion of a pre-prepared “poor” air-fuel mixture with excess-air factor of 1.8-2.0.
The presented article proposes a method for the multilevel modelling implementation in the GTE low-emission combustion chamber design process. Combustion chamber accomplished in the framework of the LPP concept was selected as the object of the study. This concept is based on the combustion of pre-prepared “poor” air-fuel mixture.
Multilevel modeling includes three stages of computing: designing calculation, one-dimensional modelling, and gas dynamic processes modeling. The article presents the formed appearance of the combustion chamber and its elements in accordance with the proposed technique. Parameters computing along the flame tube length of the three chambers, where burner devices with different swirl angles of the swirl vanes were installed, was performed.
The calculations were being performed in the ideally gas approximation of the incompressible homogeneous environment in the adiabatic statement of the stationary problem.
The two-parameter RNG k- ε model with standard wall functions was used as the turbulence model.
Combustion was being modelled by the aggregate of laminar flamelets in the turbulent flow of unmixed components. The Kee58 mechanism, including eighteen mixture components and fifty-eight chemicalreactions was considered as a set of methane oxidation chemical reaction.
The NOx content computing in combustion products was based on thermal and super equilibrium mechanisms of NOx formation.
Analysis of the obtained results revealed that increasing of the twist angle in the blade swirl of the burner device leads to fundamental changes in the flow structure in the primary zone of the combustion chamber, which affects the change in emission characteristics as well. The chamber with the burner device with the twist angle of 45° ensures the best optimal emission characteristics on nitrogen oxides.
gas turbine engine, combustion chamber, in-chamber processes simulation, low-emission combustion, burner deviceReferences
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