Alternative layout of lunar landing module radiative heat exchanger and its thermal analysis based on computational experiment

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-35-44


Neruchek A. O.*, Kotlyarov E. Y.**

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



Theoretical analysis of alternative layout option application feasibility of the radiative heat exchanger (RHX) for lunar landing module (LM) was performed. Being a part of the landing module working option, the RHX consists of two parts. Both parts are installed above the unpressurized instrument bay and oriented towards the zenith by their working surfaces. Controlled removal of the excessive heat fr om the LM is being performed by the said RHX. The selected RHX size and configuration lim it the working spaces of the equipment installed on the LM, in particular, cameras, antennae, navigation instruments and manipulators. One part of the already exited RHS remains on the LM top, reducing slightly its size. The authors suggest placing the other part of the RHX near the LM side edge, instead of the solar panel, which stays at the shade for the most part of the lunar day. Placed in a like manner, the RHS vertical part will be less dependable on the temperature changes on the lunar surface, but the RHX total area increasing should compensate the expected cooling capacity losses of the LM thermal control system (TCS). The authors performed comparison of characteristics of the state-of-the-art RHX and the RHX in the configuration proposed within the framework of the presented work by the specially developed mathematical program employing computational experiment. The results confirm that application of the alternative RHX layout allows preserving the RHX integral cooling capacity, and opens new possibilities for the equipment installing at the expense of the space releasing at the LM upper part. A zone in the replaceable solar battery area can be considered as one of the options for the LM’s TCS cooling capacity increasing as a place for the third RHX placing.


lunar lander, radiative heat exchanger, instrument bay, thermal control system


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