Determining required turbine cooling air flow rate at the conceptual design stage of gas turbine engine

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-61-73


Filinov E. P.*, Kuz'michev V. S.**, Tkachenko A. Y.***, Ostapyuk Y. A.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The primary trend in effectiveness improving of gas turbine engines consists in coordinated increase of the working process parameters, such as turbine inlet temperature (TIT) and overall pressure ratio (OPR), bypass ratio (BPR) together with efficiency increasing of engine subassemblies. Alongside with that, the requirements on the engine reliability and life enhancement are being put forward.

Ensuring the required engine life at high gas temperatures prior to the turbine is possible only by turbine blades and vanes cooling, or switching to the blades materials, which do not require cooling, such as ceramics. The turbine cooling strongly affects the engine efficiency, comparable to the turbine aerodynamic characteristics, and should be accounted for while the gas turbine engine working process optimization.

The turbine blades’ design and materials permanent improvement leads to decreasing the air flow volume required for the turbines cooling. Thus, the experimental and theoretical data on the aircraft gas turbine engine turbines cooling require regular analysis and generalization.

One of the first models for predicting the required air flow rate for cooling was developed by Holland and Thake in 1980. Ever since these models are permanently developing and become more and more detailed.

It is well-known that the increased air flow rate for turbines cooling always entails the specific fuel consumption increase and the engine specific thrust (power) decrease. The engine specific parameters exert determinative affect the engine efficiency figures and, hence, its parameters optimization criteria at the conceptual design stage.

In this respect, the necessity to analyze and generalize the well-known dependencies of relative air flow rate on the turbine cooling aroused.

As consequence of the performed studies, the published theoretical and experimental data on the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines cooling was analyzed. The generalized graphical dependencies allowed obtaining the models, on which basis the algorithms for determining the required air flow rate of the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines cooling dependence on the gas temperature prior to the turbine. These dependencies can be employed while various tasks solving at the engine conceptual design stage. Particularly, the universal model, allowing determine the required air flow rate for cooling depending on the cooling depth in the wide range of gas temperatures prior to the turbine, ensuring goal functions unimodelity while solving optimization problems.

The studies continuation will consist in developing more accurate models of the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines being cooled for conceptual design stage, in particular by accounting for the new structural solutions.


gas turbine engine, conceptual design, turbine cooling, working process parameters optimization, required cooling air flow rate, blade cooling, vane cooling, disk cooling, turbine efficiency


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