Studying ultrasonic oscillations impact on the surface roughness at the electrical discharge machining

Metallurgy and Material Science

Material science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-200-212


Zhigulin I. E.1*, Emel’yanenko K. A.2**, Sataeva N. E.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: iliya.zhigulin@yandex.


In recent years, one of the prospective and highly competitive trends in the field of anti-icing materials creation is the development of passive ice-phobic coatings, oriented not only at the ice accumulation reduction on the surface while contacting with the hitting atmospheric water droplets, but being able to completely suppress ice formation under certain weather conditions.

The ice-phobic coating should demonstrate the following properties to achieve stable anti-icing characteristics:

    Supercooled water accumulation reduction;
      Low adhesion of liquid water or any form of solid water, including various kinds of ice, frost and snow, to the surface of the ice-phobic material;
        Long delay time of the supercooled water droplets crystallization on the surface of the material, and finally
          Low heat transfer between the droplet and ice-phobic material, which decreases the probability of the water droplet supercooling while its impingement with the cool surface.

          For application in aviation industry, the ice-phobic coating should display firmness to the extended abrasive loadings and cyclic temperature difference.

          A TSAGI-831 aviation profile and a flat plate were selected as tested aircraft aerodynamic elements. Both samples were made of the D16 aluminum. To impart water- and ice-repellent properties on the material surface of the samples being tested, super-hydrophobic coatings were being created. The method for super-hydrophobic cooatings processing on the aluminum alloys was developed at the RAS Institute of Physical Chemistry.

          The tests on checking the effectiveness of the ice forming prevention and ice removal were performed on the EU-1 FSUE «TSAGI» artificial icing test bench under artificial icing conditions by the Appendix C, AP-25.

          The tests results confirm their high anti-icing ability: the time before appearance of the first ice deposits on the surface of the super-hydrophobic coating after the aerosol flow starting was four minutes. Reduced ice accumulation and spontaneous ice removal phenomenon form the super-hydrophobic coatings surface were registered. Ice accumulation was being observed on reference sample without coating right after the flow commencing. All above said indicates the high potential of the developed super-hydrophobic coatings for the aircraft aerodynamic surfaces icing counteracting.


          super-hydrophobic coating, ice-protection, commercial aircraft flight safety


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