Self-empirical simulation of combustion efficiency and combustion flame stability for Gas Turbine Engine

Propulsion and Power Plants


Agul'nik A. В.*, Onishchik I. I.**, Htay T. M.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This is the result of semi-empirical algorithms calculation of combustion efficiency and stalling characteristics of the typical combustion chamber of Jet engine (puc.l), based on generalization of the experimental data resulted in the scientific and technical literature. In algorithms use relative parameters of combustion chamber which have been not connected with its absolute sizes are used. This results of the settlement analysis of influence of some design data of the chamber and operating modes on its characteristics.


combustion chamber, characteristics, combustion efficiency, range of steady-state combustion, excess air factor, semi-elliptical model — informational site of MAI

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