Methods of increasing quality of output voltage for inverters with step output waveform

Propulsion and Power Plants


Anisimova T. V., Danilina A. N., Kryuchkov V. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


This paper is devoted to the comparative evaluation of the two modulation strategies developed for multilevel inverters control: the harmonic elimination technique with voltage control (OHSW) and the optimal minimization of the total harmonic distortion method (OMTHD), which are a very important and efficient strategies of eliminating sel ected harmonics fr om spectrum of the output voltage or minimizing its total harmonic distortion in order to improve its quality. First, we describe briefly the basic idea and concept of each technique. Then, we present a study of the performances of each one by the means of a comparison between them. Simulation has also been presented to establish the effectiveness of the proposed analysis.


inverter, cascade voltage, total harmonic distortion (THD), harmonic elimination, pulse width modulation (PWM) — informational site of MAI

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