Conceptional method of dynamic systemssequential parametric identification


Pacuk W. 1*, Mukhina M. В.2**

1. University of Białystok,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article describes a new algorithm for identification of models of complex dynamic systems. The main point of this method is in decomposition of the initial task of identification on the basis of qualitative analyzing sensitivity parameters depending on the changes at different timely intervals of simulation. Unknown parameters necessary to quantitative description of a dynamic system are defined through morphological analyses of starting task and further decomposition to increase its parameters. While using such a procedure we can solve iterational logistics of small-size optimization problems to define the initial task of parametric identification.


identification, dynamic model, quality, decomposition — informational site of MAI

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