The project image of electrochemical system of water reclamation with locked water-flow circuit of concentrating

Spacecraft and Rockets


Demidova N. S.*, Shangin I. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article concerns the questions of complex experimental-theoretic researches of complicated chemical-engineering procedure of electrochemical system of reclamation of working polyphase medium. The work is aimed at creation of methods of design calculations for electrochemical system of water reclamation for space purpose and methods of operation for structure working environment and ways for process and intensification of mass transfer applied to water reclamation systems for complexes supporting the life activity at space station. There were defined the optimal ranges of amper density 0,001 — 0,005 A/cm2, the volume in and out channel, of mixing basin and consumption of working blend in range of Reynolds' s numbers 1—10 also the numbers of electro dialysis cells which provide the required level of working environment purification. The experimental researches have proved the chosen option of operating-technologic characteristics.


electrochemical methods of purification, electrochemical systems of purification of working polyphase medium, regeneration methods of the water, electro dialysis plant of closed-circuit concentration, mathematic model of circuit system parameters, in-out and mixed volume concentration of medium, many cell electrodialysator, condensate of atmosphere moisture — informational site of MAI

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