Automation system for profile building of cylindrical body surface

Computer Science and Control


Busurin V. I.*, Khodin M. M.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In the article the automation system for prof He building of cylindrical body surface is considered; the functional schematics oj the system based on cylindrical body contact scanning method is proposed. The breadboard of the scan profilometer and the control of scan profilometer using communication ports of personal computer are described. Program control methods for step motors and linear displacement sensor are realized; the data base for the storage of cylindrical body test results is developed. Architecture oj program complex for scan profilometer automation is proposed; scan profilometer error analysis is conducted and ways of theirs compensation are proposed.


profilometer, cylinder, measurements, database, experiment, algorithm, errors, automation, adjastment, interface, data visialization — informational site of MAI

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