Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-2-20-36
1*, 2**1. Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia
2. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
*e-mail: moshkov89@bk.ru, p_moshkov@ssj.irkut.com
**e-mail: samohin_vf@mail.ru
The problem of community noise of propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should be considered separately for civil and special-purpose vehicles.
Currently, there are no international standards regulating maximum permissible community noise levels of civil propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and low-noise levels are primarily a competitive advantage. The UAVs noise levels normalizing by the analogy with light propeller aircraft is possible in the future.
For the special-purpose propeller UAVs, the problem of acoustic signature is important. It is necessary to ensure the domestic aircraft invisibility when flying along a given trajectory, and to be able to acoustically localize the enemy’s UAVs identifying herewith the UAV type and determining the trajectory of its movement in real time.
In the framework of the propeller UAVs acoustic visibility estimation and while developing standards on the community noise the article suggests employing two units of measure, namely the A-weighted overall sound power level and the overall sound pressure level in dBA. The A-weighted overall total sound power level does not depend on the distance and cannot characterize the acoustic signature, which depends on the distance of the object from the radiation detection point and environmental conditions. At the same time, one may proceed from the spectrum of the acoustic power of the sound source, knowing its direction diagram or assuming it spherical, to the UAV noise level evaluation in the far acoustic field at the given atmospheric conditions and distance. Besides, the total level of acoustic power in dBA can be implemented for the comparative assessment of the degree of acoustic signature of various UAVs of the same class.
A technique for assessing the acoustic signature boundaries of the UAV is proposed. The following items became components of the technique: the noise models of the main sources or experimental data on the UAVs noise, data on the ambient noise, criteria for acoustic signature of various types of UAVs, as well as the software for assessing the aircraft community noise.
unmanned aerial vehicle, community noise, audibility, acoustic signatureReferences
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