Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-2-107-114
*, **, ***, ****Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
*e-mail: sm.mousavi.s@gmail.com
**e-mail: lingar777@mail.ru
***e-mail: 11sergey93@mail.ru
****e-mail: xminusx@mail.ru
A wide variety of spatial-truss structures, including pyramidal and X-type trussed cores was developed at present in attempts to create multifunctional core materials of the three-layer structures of aerospace purpose. Computational and optimization methods of these typical trussed cores’ characteristics were considered in many scientific studies. However, very few comparative studies of such core materials mechanical characteristics were conducted. The presented article compares compressive mechanical characteristics of the X-type and pyramidal trussed cores by both analytical and experimental methods. In experimental phase of the study, the two samples of three-layer structures were produced: one with the pyramidal core and the other with the X-type core, to determine the ultimate compressive strength.
3D-models of the samples were designed with the SOLIDWORKS software for manufacturing. Sketches were obtained, and pattern cutting of flat elements was performed based on these models. Further manufacturing was being perpetrated by the flat figures cutting from the aluminum sheet on the laser-cutting machine. Samples for the experiment were assembled from the cut elements. The flat elements fixing with each other is being brought about by the «spike-groove» technique to simplify assembly operations. The assembled samples of the three-layer panels were tested alternately under similar conditions, on the same machine tool. Further, based on the results of compressive testing the «stress-deformation» diagram for both cores was obtained and analyzed. From these diagrams, critical compressive stress and stiffness of the cores were determined. The results of the conducted experiments are in good agreement with the results of analytical calculations. The obtained results demonstrate that with equal relative densities of the cores and similar slope angles of the cores the generalized critical stress of the X-type trussed core cannot be less that the generalized critical compressive stress of the pyramidal trussed core (and at the small relative densities it can be four times more). However, under the above said conditions their generalized compressive stiffness is the same in all cases.
truss core material relative density, X-type truss core material, pyramidal truss core material, generalized compressive stiffness, generalized critical compressive stressReferences
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