Lag effect impact in the control system channel of highly automated aircraft on the control lever type selection and its command signal

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, flying vehicles movement control

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-2-177-190


Ragulin I. A.*, Aleksandrov V. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The presented work studied the impact of the stick type (side stick or central stick) and parameters (stiffness and time delay). The difference between the «command signal by the displacement» control, and the «command signal by the force» control was studied for each variable as well. Each study was being conducted on the stationary simulator, when the operator performed the task of pitch and tilt control. The main part of the studies is being conducted with account of the sensory system characteristics (the force gradient) and the gain of the controlled element (the control stick sensitivity), which is being selected according to the operator’s judgment. The study was emphasized enough on revealing the difference between the control signal transmission type to the flight control system for both control types, namely by the displacement and by the force. The major portion of the study related to the error dispersion dependence revealing associated with by the stick type (side stick or central stick) and command signal (DSC or FSC).

Switching from the command signal by the displacement to the signal proportional to the force reduces the error dispersion by 30–50%.

For the longitudinal channel, switching from the DSC stick to the FSC one leads to the three times error dispersion reduction, the throughput band increase by 60-70%, and cut-off frequency increase by 10-30%.

The operator evaluates the control object by the Cooper-Harper scale at the level of 3-3.5 PR employing the central DSC stick. When working with the DSC side stick, the estimation is 2.5-3.0 PR. Switching to the signal proportional to the force leads to the estimation improvement for the central stick by 0.5 points and by one point for the side control stick.

For the lateral channel, switching from the DSC stick to the FSC one leads to the two times error dispersion reduction, the throughput band increase by 25%, and cut-off frequency increase by 10%.

The operator evaluates the control object by the Cooper-Harper scale at the level of 4-4.5 PR, steering with the central DSC stick «control by the displacement». When steering with the DSC side stick, the estimation is 4.5-5.0 PR. Switching to the signal proportional to the force leads to the estimation improvement for the central stick by 0.5 points and by 2.5-3.0 point for the side control stick.


aircraft control stick, control lever stiffness, side control stick, signal proportional to the force


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