А method for current state monitoring of liquid rocket engine in stationary and transient modes

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

To the 100th anniversary of B.V. Ovsyannikov

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-46-53


Kamensky K. V.1, Martirosov D. S.2*

1. NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: mrtsv@mail.ru


The object of the study is an oxygen-kerosene liquid rocket engine (LRE), realized according to the scheme of the generator gas afterburning in the combustion chamber.

The method proposed in this article is a method for current state monitoring of modern high-power LRE in real-time scale of the test-bench fire tests. It allows estimating its actual state in both stationary and transient modes.

The method does not require pre-estimation of the fail-safe operation criteria boundaries of the LRE being monitored, and adapted to the operation modes and external conditions changing.

The current state of the engine is being monitored at the rate of measurement results receiving of the slowly changing engine parameters, determined with certain rather small time step.

Each specific situation is being considered as a continuation of the previous engine operation in the mode under consideration, for which purpose, both conformity and inconsistency of the current engine state to the «prehistory» of this state, which was recognized corresponding to the successful operation of the engine, are statistically confirmed.

Formally, this “prehistory”, as well as information about the current state of the engine, is a set of measurements of its parameters obtained from the initial control point to the one under consideration.

To make a decision on a malfunction occurrence, a statistical analysis method is used, developed to identify and exclude the results with abnormal inaccuracies. In case of current statistical characteristics threshold values are exceeded by their current values, the fact of malfunction occurrence is being registered, and the test is being terminated to development of the revealed malfunction.

For stationary LRE operation modes, the instant of a malfunction occurrence can be defined as the moment of a distinct change in the stability of measured parameters. In this case, for making a decision on the malfunction occurrence and test termination, the time series of measured parameters are subjected to statistical evaluation based on the Student’s criterion.

In transient modes, the time series values of changes gradients in the measured parameters, possessing the property of stationarity, are subjected to a similar analysis. This property is stipulated by the fact that during bench tests conducted according to a given cyclogram, the engine control in transient modes is being ensured by changing the drive angle of the control unit by the linear law.

The developed method for assessing the current state of the LRE during bench tests allows preventing the LRE malfunction development, and generate an appropriate signal to the engine control system in real time of the test-bench fire test.


LRE, engine state monitoring, statistical methods, abnormal errors of measurements, Student's criterion


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