Digital twin technology application while gas turbine engines development

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-139-145


Koval' S. N.*, Badernikov A. V.**, Shmotin Y. N.***, Pyatunin K. R.****

United engine corporation (UEC), 16, Budyonny avenue, Moscow, 105118, Russia



Today, industry, especially knowledge-intensive branches, is experiencing an active growth of well-deserved attention to digital technologies. In support for the Aircraft Building Development Program of the Russian Federation realization, and the strategy for the civil products in the sales and service segment the United Engine Building Corporation goes along the path of comprehensive innovations implementation while conducting research, research and development work, manufacturing and after-sale services.

Among the priorities of the innovative development of the Corporation the following areas may be highlighted:

– A concerted strategy of scientific and technical development of the industry, which defines the list of critical technologies and the trends of the corporation industrial model transformation;

– The key product programs of engine building in the trends of aviation, ground and seaborne aggregates;

– Transformational projects, which task consists in achieving the strategic goals of the Corporation, including the terms reduction for launching new products to the market.

Digital technologies allow not only the current processes automation, but also formation of the new ones with new qualities and contributing to the products of the United Engine Corporation being competitive and in demand on the world market.

For this goal achieving, accumulation of the best technologies, best resources, operating in the high-tech field such as engineering centers, startups, research teams at the Universities, and the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences is of utter importance. This is an ambitious task, practically proclaiming that it is important to become twice as effective to meet the customers’ needs. A digital twin is a prospective trend for this problem solution.

The concept of a digital twin was proposed by Michael Grieves, a professor at the University of Michigan, back in 2002. As he notes in his work, it was primarily called the «Mirrored Spaces Model».

The definition of a digital twin from Greaves can be found in the same place: «The digital twin is a set of virtual informational structures that fully describes potential or actual manufactured goods: from its atomic functions to geometry. Under ideal conditions, all the information that can be obtained from the product can be obtained from its digital twin».

Employing digital modelling of high-level correspondence to real test within the framework of the «digital twins» technology, as well as standardized techniques developing for mathematical models validation and analysis of the computational results will allow significant increase the completeness of comprehension. Besides, It will increase the quality of field tests, and reduce their volume, and, in some cases, substitute them by computational substantiation based on the mathematical models validated by the results of multiple experiments. As the result, the possibility originates to reduce the time and costs of the engine certification.

Despite the fact that almost all gas turbine engine units and systems can be modeled, the accuracy of some mathematical models does not yet allow replacing the tests, but not even ensuring acceptable accuracy for making a technical decision on the design change.


digital twin technologies, the United Engine Building Corporation (UEC) digital transformation projects, mathematical models of the gas turbine engine (GTE) life cycle stages


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