Double bypass turbojet engine structure analysis

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-159-170


Filinov E. P.*, Bezborodova K. V.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



Five schemes of double bypass engines with changeable working process were considered in the work:

  1. A double bypass turbojet engine with an afterburner chamber (DBTEAC), in which the air flow from the third circuit is being supplied directly into the common afterburner chamber;

  2. The double bypass engine consisting of the two gas turbine engines. One of the engines is a turboshaft one with a free turbine, which represents the additional turbine of the second engine, which is a turbo-eject one;

  3. The double bypass engine with independently controlled third circuit;

  4. The Rolls-Royce company double bypass engine with changeable work process, consisting of a central bypass engine and additional modules placed around it, such as bypass turbojet engine or turbojet engine with afterburner.

  5. The FLADE VCE double bypass engine of changeable work cycle with extra modules.

Computer simulation of three models of double bypass engines was performed with the ASTRA CAE system, which covers the entire cycle of thermo-gas-dynamic design of a gas turbine engine. The prototype engine was the RD-33 turbojet engine with an afterburner. Besides the thermodynamic calculations, computations of the full flight cycle, mass characteristics of the power plant and aircraft as well as efficiency criteria were performed.

Variation of the degree of both bypass and double bypass values allowed obtaining the values of the total mass of the power plant, and fuel required for a flight at a given range — Msu+t, as well as the fuel consumption in kilogram per one ton-kilometer of transported cargo —

In the course of this computation the conclusion was made that the most rational and favorable ratio of efficiency parameters was obtained from the double bypass gas turbine engine of the FLADE VCE variable duty cycle.

The resulting parameters exceed the values of efficiency parameters of the prototype engine by 13%. These parameters may be employed to perform structural-parametric optimization of parameters to reduce the fuel costs and increase the engines efficiency with a complex cycle, designed for military aviation, on the cruising section of the flight.


double bypass turbojet engine, engine with changeable work process, afterburner chamber, flows mixing, bypass ratio, double bypass ratio, computational model


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