Direct laser fusion application for powders from heat resistant allows in engine building

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Welding, allied processes and technologies

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-202-217


Balyakin A. V.*, Skuratov D. L.**, Khaimovich A. I.***, Oleinik M. A.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



At present, heat-resistant nickel-based alloys have found a very wide application in of energy and aerospace engineering products manufacturing. Their share in the total mass of modern aviation gas turbine engines is particularly large, since they are the preferred materials for production of disks, blades, combustion chambers, and turbine housings.

The article presents an overview of additive manufacturing methods actively employed in the aircraft and rocket engine parts manufacturing. Their classification is presented in dependence on the energy source employed and the source material shape. The advantages of additive technologies in comparison with conventional methods of forming parts and products are described, technology of the parts blanks manufacturing from heat-resistant alloys by direct laser fusion of metal powders is considered. Examples of the of additive technologies successful applicatioin in the aerospace industry in the production of various parts, both for the production of blanks, and in the hybrid, combined with subtractive methods, the technological process of manufacturing complex parts using multi-axis manipulators are presented.

The article considers the main components of the direct laser fusion (DLF) plant, affecting the quality of the resulting workpieces. It describes the existing nozzle designs emplloyed for feeding powder to the fusion zone in DLF installations. Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as conditions for their application are described. The article describes the principle of operation of modern powder feeders for the DLF technology. Parameters characterizing the DLF process and affecting the quality of workpieces forming are presented. Analysis of the defects accompanying of this process was performed, and possible causes of their occurrence were determined.

The advantages and disadvantages of the DLF process of metal powders are described. The main advantages of the DMD process are as follows:

– the laser beam is capable to perform melting and sintering of the material without overheating the substrate and deposited material, i.e., decrease the zone of thermal impact, and diminish changes in the microstructure of the material;

– the high focusing capacity of the laser source allows creating sufficiently accurate workpieces and parts with a wall of less than 0.5 mm;

– the ability to control the laser power, the heat flux density and, consequently, the microstructure of the deposited material allows the DLF process application for repairing complex parts made of a single-crystal nickel heat-resistant alloy.

The disadvantages of the DLF process include the following:

– a low level of mismatch of mechanical properties of the blanks made at different DLF plants from different powder batches under identical conditions of their forming;

– high cost of equipment, which prevents the widespread application of the DLF process in the industry;

– a limited list and low availability of powdery materials, as well as a large range of their quality spread;

– the relationship between the surfacing conditions of powder materials and the mechanical properties of the workpieces is not fully understood.


additive manufacturing, direct metal deposition, heat-resistant alloy, deposition defects


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