Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-7-27
*, **, ***Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
*e-mail: novogorodtseve91@mail.ru
**e-mail: e-karpov@list.ru
***e-mail: nikitakoltok@gmail.com
The objective of the presented article consists in studying impacts of various options of the boundary layer control (BLC) system on characteristics of spatial uncontrolled air intakes. The spatial supersonic uncontrolled air intake of external compression with an oval inlet was developed in the course of this work. Three different options of the boundary layer control system were developed for this air intake. They are:
- The transversal slit on the compression wedge in the throat area.
- The transversal slit in conjunction with perforation on the side surfaces in the inlet area.
- Perforation accomplished in the form of the open-ended elliptic ring on the compression wedge and side surfaces in the area of the air take inlet.
Numerical study of the flow-around physical specifics and characteristics of the isolated oval-shaped air intake without the BLC system, as well as with all developed options of the BLC system was performed. The air intake flow-around was modeled based on numerical integration of the Reynolds-averaged Navier— Stokes equations (RANS) employing non-structured computational meshes, generated in the areas of the flow outside and inside of the air intake. The air intake duct throttling was modeled by the active disk method.
The results of the computational modeling are presented in the form of graphs of the air intake characteristics dependencies and flow patterns in various sections of the air intake channel. These graphs present dependencies of the total pressure recovery coefficient v on the air mass flow rate through the engine f, as well as circumferential distortion parameter dependence on the specific reduced air mass flow rate through the engine q(engine). The Mach number fields in both longitudinal vertical and longitudinal horizontal sections of the air intake channel, as well as fields of the v coefficient in the channel cross section, corresponding to the inlet of the engine compressor, are presented in the flow patterns.
Analysis of the obtained results of the computational study revealed that all developed options of the BLC system ensured the air intake characteristics improvement. The v coefficient herewith increases, and the parameter decreases compared to the basic option of the air intake. It was determined that the third option of the BLC system ensured the greatest characteristics augmentation. Besides, this option of the BLC system ensures maximum length of the horizontal section of the air intake throttle characteristic.
Based on the results of the performed computational study, the high level of characteristics of the air intake, equipped with the third option of the boundary layer control system was established. This is associated with the positive effect of the total pressure losses reduction, when the part of the flow passing through the diagonal shocks of the -structure of the terminal shock wave, leaning against the BLC system element, namely the perforated section of the air intake internal surface.
The article presents also the results of the computational and experimental studies of the isolated spatial trapezoidal air intake of the external compression, equipped with the BLC system in the form of perforation on the surfaces of the compression wedges in the area of the channel inlet. It is demonstrated that the detected positive effect of the -structure is being realized while the trapezoidal air intake flow-around as well.
numerical simulation, three dimensional fixed-geometry air inlet with external compression, boundary layer control system, total pressure loss, throttle performanceReferences
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