Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-62-77
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: 8916846583@mail.ru
**e-mail: 8465836@mail.ru
The article performs an integrated assessment of the Earth remote sensing (ERS) spacecraft (SC) rational parameters and development program in the period under consideration with account for technical-and-economic limitations. The problem of rational parameters assessment of the ERS space system (SS) modernization program is being solved. The problem specialty consists in the fact that the initial state was determined, namely the base object (ERS SC).
The authors proposed a technique for integrated assessment of a spacecraft rational parameters and development program, based on the multilevel design management multilevel project study models and statistical method of multilevel consistent optimization. This technique includes a stagewise solution of rational parameters integrated assessment of a spacecraft as a part of the ERS SC in the considered period. The first stage solves the problem of parameters assessment of the ERS SC modernization program. The second stage solves the problem of the spacecraft rational parameters assessment with account for design work solutions for its subsystems.
The article presents the developed algorithm for integrated assessment of the spacecraft rational parameters and development program, as well as basic relations of the project models. The design work analysis specialty of the spacecraft development program in the considered period is a complex nature of the research. A system rational structure is being determined herewith simultaneously with the subsystems (spacecraft modifications) project parameters, as well as the system modernization program, namely the date and terms of modernizations performing in the considered period. The dependencies reflecting the basic ERS SC characteristics (weight and cost) changing on the system technical characteristics were formed by both correlation and regression methods based on the posteriori (statistical) information of the ERS SC samples-prototypes characteristics. The article adduces the results of the various options of the modernization programs studying. The considered (being forecasted) time period is of twenty years. In contrast to the third one when only one modernization is being performed with four spacecraft modifications, the first and the second options comprise performing two modernizations. The difference between the first and the second options consists in the number of the spacecraft modifications. The first option contains four modifications while there are three of them in the second one. The performed quantitative esteems of the total reduced expenditures on the modernization program realization in the course of twenty years reveal that the second option, at which the expenditures are minimum and of 1.154 billion of conventional unit is rational. The cost saving is 12.5–30% compared to the first and third options of the modernization program.
The article demonstrates that the system modernization in the considered period and the search for rational project work solutions is being performed in a complex and consistent manner with the spacecraft parameters assessment as well as parameters of the spacecraft subsystems being replaced. This complex studies allow accounting for the functional relationships (both internal and external) dynamics, and determining rational solution on the term extension of the ERS SC effective application at the restricted costs.
The developed technique allows performing technical-and-economic analysis of the ERS SC modernization program alternative options and obtaining necessary quantitative assessments while project solutions of the spacecraft modifications assessment and selection, as well as assessing the unified space platforms application effectiveness and enhancing the operational life of subsystems and a spacecraft as a whole. The developed technique may be applied for the ERS SC development programs correction and determining requirements to the prospective spacecraft and its modifications.
comprehensive assessment of parameters and of the Program for Remote Earth Probing Spacecraft Development, algorithm for estimating rational parameters, coordinated multilevel search for rational parametersReferences
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