Ensuring dynamic state of straight waveguide paths at heating by supports arrangement

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-92-105


Kudryavtsev I. V.

Siberian Federal University, 79, Svobodny av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

e-mail: ikudryavcev@sfu-kras.ru


Waveguide ducts are the integral units of microwave devices in space technology, and, besides the specified radio-technical parameters, they require ensuring their dynamic state with account for heating. One of the most important parameters determining the dynamic behavior of the extended waveguide structure under the combined impact of forced vibrations and heating is the values of the first natural vibration frequency and the critical temperature of stability loss. The presented work considers the issues of controlling the first natural vibration frequency and critical temperature as applied to the spacecraft straight waveguide ducts by the developed technique of the supports arrangement substantiated choice. The author suggests the techniques for solving direct and inverse problems, allowing both determining the first natural vibration frequency and critical temperature at the specified fixations, and selecting the structure of the supports arrangement, which will ensure these parameters of the waveguide dynamic state. The example of the straight waveguide duct computation and comparative numerical calculations, which demonstrated good convergence of the results, were performed with Ansys software. The developed techniques are of a general character, and they may be employed at both checking calculation and developing any kind of straight beam structures for controlling their dynamic state by the supports arrangement.


spacecraft waveguides, natural vibrations and stability of the waveguide at heating, support coefficients normalizing, analytical selection of waveguide support, verification by finite element method


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