Thermal conductivity research of the aircraft heat-insulating skin under flight conditions

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-118-130


Maskaykin V. A.*, Makhrov V. P.**



The theoretical studies considered in this work reflect the development of thermal insulation protective means applied on the aircraft. The purpose of the work consists in studying the possibilities of enhancing thermal insulation characteristics of the aircraft being operated under extreme temperatures. Namely, the article tackles the option of a multilayer structure suggested as a thermal insulator for its application on the aircraft. This structure consists of the composite material layers, porous material and aluminum-magnesium alloy layers. Theoretical study of heat exchange of this structure and existing thermal insulating structures employed on the aircraft is being conducted for comparison and evaluation of the considered multilevel structure application effectiveness.

The extreme temperatures are being determined in this work from the aircraft flight mode conditions, at which these excessively high temperatures occur.

The thermal conductivity studies of the proposed multilayer structure and conventional heat-insulating structures considered in this work were being performed numerically by the finite-difference method.

The numerical study results of the unsteady thermal conductivity revealed that a multilayer structure was twelve times superior in thermal insulation to all other existing thermal insulation structures considered in the work. Besides, the results of studying thermal conductivity of the structures under consideration demonstrate that:

  • The layers of materials in the element do not operate separately from each other, but they all operate in the common heat exchange system;
  • The monotony of the temperature distribution in the elements depends on the of the materials’ thermal conductivity coefficients ratio.

The results of this work may be recommended for application in real designs of the state-of-the-art aircraft.


multilayer thermal insulation structure, composite polymer materials, porous materials, thermal insulation, non-stationary thermal conductivity, thermal conditioning systems


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