Trajectory estimation procedure of small-sized aerial vehicles at the studies on a ballistic track

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-204-218


Ilyukhin S. N.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



The topic of the article being presented is trajectory estimating algorithms and subsequent initial state vector determining of a small-sized aerial vehicle based on measurements obtained on the BT CM3 type ballistic tracks. At the beginning, the article considers general issues of the small-sized aircraft studying by full-scale tests on ballistic tracks, presents the features of their instrument equipment, and touches upon the issues of the trajectory restoring based on the measurement results.

The technique proposed by the author is based on the least squares method application for a trajectory forming according to the measurements of the aircraft flight coordinates through the certain sections of the test facility. The efficiency of these algorithms is illustrated by the solution of a numerical example simulating experimental data. It was proved by additional computations and comparative analysis that the most effective way to restore the trajectory is the least squares method using the second-order approximating polynomial. Theoretical justification of this phenomenon is presented.

Besides the algorithm for the initial state vector detecting, inclusive coordinates of the flight initiation in the selected coordinates system, the initial trajectory inclination angle, initial track angle and initial velocity value, the article suggests the trivial technique for the single anomalous measurements rejection. It presents also theoretical justification of the full-scale experiment results, and defines the requirements for conducting research on the ballistic track with target frames application. A typical algorithm for the initial angular velocity determining and estimating the derivation value is described as well. An empirical algorithm for finding the drag coefficient value based on the results of experimental shooting is presented. Among other things, the article presents the main characteristics of the ballistic track of the «Dynamics and Flight Control of Rockets and Spacecraft» Department at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

The final part of the article formulates a number of practical remarks and recommendations to the experimental studies organization on ballistic tracks for the initial state vector reliable determining and flight trajectory restoring.


ballistic track, least squares method, trajectory estimation, state vector


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