Shock interaction simulation of sprayed particles with the part surface while plasma coatings forming

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-257-266


Kovalev A. A.*, Krasko A. S.**, Sidorov P. A.***

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



This article considers the problem of thermal spray coatings adhesion strength assessing to the part surface. Performing numerical modeling of heating and acceleration processes of the sprayed material particles, as well as their collision with the base surface of the set micro-relief employing the ANSYS CFD Premium software is being suggested as the problem solution. The plasma spraying process is being considered as an example.

At the beginning, the article performs the analysis of the literature related to the problem of adhesion strength determining of gas-thermal coatings, obtained by the plasma spraying, with the base surface. The rationale for the need to model the sprayed material particles transfer and collision processes with the base surface is rendered.

The work separates out the stages and general approaches to the plasma spraying process modeling. The main process parameters are being defined, and description of the plasma jet outflow from the nozzle with the flow of particles being sprayed onto the base, is being presented. The curves of the spraying temperature and particles velocity dependency on time were plotted. Comparison of the obtained values with the experimental data is being performed.

Simulation of a single sprayed particle collision with the base at various combinations of temperature and the particle velocity at the moment of the particle approach to the base surface is performed in the work. The micro-relief geometry and size are being determined herewith. As the result, various particle shapes after collision and the value of the specific contacting area for each case under consideration were obtained. Finally, a qualitative assessment of the interaction between a particle of the sprayed material and the sprayed surface is presented. The most optimal combination of the temperature and particle velocity is identified.


plasma spraying, functional coatings, technological modes of spraying, numerical modeling, shock interaction, specific contacting surface


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