Aircraft landing gear scheme and engine protection

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-7-18


Komov A. A.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 20, Kronshtadskiy Bulvar, Moscow, 125993, Russia



The problem of aviation gas turbine engines protection from foreign objects damage (FOD) casted into them when the aircraft taxiing on the airfield surface is well known. The article regards one of the reasons of foreign objects casting into the engines, namely foreign objects casting by the aircraft landing gear wheels on takeoff and landing modes. To avoid engines damage by foreign objects during operation, it is relevant to assess the engines protection already at the stage of preliminary aircraft design. The conducted airfield testing studies revealed a relationship between the of engines protection from the damage by foreign objects casted by the landing gear wheels from the surface of the airfield and the power plant layout. Thus, the of the power plant layout on the aircraft allows assessing the engines protection at the design stage. If the assessment reveals that the engines protection is not ensured, then it is necessary to develop structural measures aimed at achieving the necessary protection level. Protective devices installed on the front landing gear wheels to protect the engines from the FOD casted by landing gear wheels have become widespread. However, it is necessary to assess the possibility of ensuring the protection of engines by changing the power plant layout, before employing such protective devices. There is a throw-out zone of foreign objects behind the landing gear wheels when the aircraft is taxiing around the airfield. If the inlet edges of the engine air intake unit are in the throw-out zone, the foreign objects may be casted into the engine.

The distance between the front landing gear wheels and the inlet edges of air intake unit has a great effect on the probability of foreign objects thrown-out by the landing wheels, into the engine. The probability of casting the foreign objects decreases while the inlet edges of the air intake unit approaching the front landing gear wheels. At a certain distance between the front landing gear wheels and the inlet edges of the air intake unit, the probability of foreign objects being thrown-out becomes zero. Such power plant layout should be considered as the most appropriate for the engines protection ensuring. However, the problem of engines protection ensuring by the front landing gear wheels approach to the inlet edges of the air intakes is closely connected with the landing gear scheme, namely with the location limits of the landing gear struts relatively to the aircraft center of mass. The power plant layout changing by shifting the front landing gear at the required distance to the inlet edges of the air intake unit may lead to an unacceptable change in the aircraft landing gear scheme and going outside the accepted restrictions. If the aircraft power plant layout changing is impossible, the only way out remained is employing protection devices installed on the front landing gear struts.


engine protection, ejection zone, power plant layout, aircraft landing gear scheme


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