Developing maintenance and refurbishment model of aerial vehicles with artificial neural network applicaion

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-19-26


Dolgov O. S.*, Safoklov B. B.**



Maintaining the specified safety, reliability and availability characteristics of the aerial vehicles (AV) with long operation life and after-sales service, can significantly exceed their purchase cost. Conceptually new approaches are required nowadays in the industry to ensure the quality improvement level, increase in the safety and economic efficiency of the AV for the aviation industry enterprises. Highly efficient AV with low life cycle cost (LLC) and high utilization factor are economically viable for the aircraft operators (consumers). One of the ways of the LCC reduction consists in optimizing the aircraft maintenance system during operation, refurbishment and overhaul.

Manufacturing companies that are among the first in the aviation industry to integrate predictive maintenance (PM) into the after-sales service (AS) and maintenance and repair systems (MRO), all other things being equal, will be able to provide the most competitive product in the aviation industry. This concept implementation is complicated since the PTO concept involves continuous monitoring of a large number of parameters, which does not allow fully implementing it in the aviation industry due to the lack of global broadband data transmission from the aircraft throughout the entire flight.

Mathematical method of artificial neural networks (ANN) application is the least costly for the incoming big data streaming analysis.

The gist of the ANN utilization consists in processing the information array obtained from the product state monitoring system to predict the available solutions on the product maintenance.

The way to the MRO optimization is integration with the Aircraft Health Monitoring (AHM), in which, the ANN employing as a tool is one of the concepts.

The authors propose application of the developed model of the aircraft maintenance and refurbishment for the ANN utilization, with the ANN employing as a predictive maintenance tool.


aerial vehicle, artificial neural networks, maintenance design, aircraft maintenance and refurbishment, predictive maintenance


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