Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-27-35
*, **,Toropov Machine-Building Design Bureau "Vimpel", 90, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125424, Russia
*e-mail: ddacraft503@gmail.com
**e-mail: gold4545@list.ru
The presented article deals with studying the possibility of applying the free fall launching method of a small-size UAV for application from the UAV-carrier. This task is up-to-date since the possibility of the UAV application in air operations depends on its solution.
The research is being conducted by a binding of two programs, namely Euler and SimInTech. Euler is being used for cargo flight dynamics analyzing and displaying output values of angles and speeds. SimInTech receives the output data from Euler and applies it to computer aerodynamic and interferential forces and moments that are being transferred back to Euler.
The results of the conducted studies under various conditions revealed that, the UAV starts rotating rapidly while free falling. At the initial stage of the flight, the UAV rudders are ineffective and unable to compensate the increasing angular velocity of the cargo. This leads to the fact that on achieving the speed enough for the rudders become effective, the UAV angular speed will become so large that the stabilization system would be unable to stabilize it. The application area of the obtained results is military one.
Based on the obtained data, a proposal to employ gas-dynamic devices for the cargo stabilization at the initial segment of the flight was put forward. This method seems more feasible since of ailerons or wings installation on a small-size UAV is problematic due of its small size. Besides, in contrast to the other methods of stabilization, gas-dynamic devices do not increase the UAV weight that much, which is an important factor for aviation engineering.
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), stabilization, small-sized cargo, free-fall discharge, numerical modeling, Euler, SimInTechReferences
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