Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-36-47
e-mail: MitrofanovOV@mai.ru
Stability loss of the thin skins under loads close to the operating level is allowed for the upper panels of the low-capacity aircraft wing-box. The article proposes an applied technique for determining optimal parameters of thin metal skins with account for the two levels of loading. At the first level, the problem of stability ensuring of a rectangular panel with a minimum margin is being considered. The relations of geometrically nonlinear optimal design problem of the panel under postbuckling behavior are being written for the second level of loading. The article presents also analytical relations explaining the place of the design methodology for the supercritical state in the general theory of optimal design of thin-walled aircraft structures. It considers the design technique, which accounts for the interrelation of the two above-said problems. The panel thickness and width were selected as the variables of the general optimization problem. It is noted, that the optimal design problem proposed in the article differs from the traditional options by the said features. The article presents the panel design techniques based on analytical solutions of geometrically nonlinear problems when considering various options of loading a thin rectangular panel with hinge support. For the cases of compression and shear, compact analytical relations for the optimum parameters determining, which can be recommended for use in the early stages of design when selecting design solutions, are obtained. The longitudinal compressive and shear flows impact at combined loading was considered. In this case, a general option of the optimal design methodology is presented. For the second level of loading, the article regards also various static strength criteria and presents corresponding analytical expressions for computing optimal width of the panel at compression and shear. To illustrate the technique, the article presents numerical examples of determining optimal thickness and width of metal panels in compression. Conclusions and possible variants of the practical use of the technique are presented. As an example, an option of determining optimal parameters of a multi-web flap is given.
postbuckling behavior, stability, rectangular metal panels, compression, shearReferences
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