The residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks while aircraft maneuvering

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-48-56


Ageev A. G.*, Zhdanov A. V.**, Galanova A. P.***

Company «Tupolev», 17, nab. Akademika Tupoleva, Moscow, 105005, Russia



Seen from front, the wing shape is being characterized by the wing deflection angle, which usually has negative values in the aircraft parking position for the swept wing aircraft, which is realized according to the high-wing of mid-wing scheme. The wing root herewith is located higher than its cantilever (end) part. With the said shape, changes in the deflection angle sign from negative to positive are possible in process of the flight.

One of the negative consequences of this change is the residual fuel flow-over from the cantilever part of the wing to its root.

The following tasks are being solved in the course of this study:

– Analysis of the wingtip displacements on the ground and in flight from the loads affecting the aircraft wing;

– Detecting causes of fuel mass readings changes in the non-fueled wing tanks;

– Clarification of fuel automation mathematical models based on the results of the analysis.

It was analytically proved by the analysis results of the loads affecting the wing in the aircraft parking and flight position, as well as in the takeoff and climbing modes, that:

– A possible fuel mass increase in the wing tanks in the aircraft flight position was not associated with the fuel automation operation errors, but it was stipulated by the residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks from their cantilever part to the root one due to the positive wing deflection in flight as affected by the lifting force;

– A possible fuel mass decrease in the wing tanks in both takeoff and flight modes is being stipulated by the residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks from the root part back to the cantilever one due to the negative or zero wing deflection, formed by the force of inertia under the aircraft vertical acceleration impact.

The obtained results may be employed for clarifying the mathematical models, by which the fuel automation computes the fuel mass in the tanks, with account for the fuel flow-over in the wing tanks during the aircraft flight.


wing deformation, aircraft wing, residual fuel, Vereshchagin's rule, fuel system


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