Analysis and constructive methods for axial forces distribution optimization in turbojet engine to enhance the high-pressure rotor bearing sevice life

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-81-94


Malinovskii I. M.1*, Nesterenko V. G.**, Starodumov A. V.2***, Yusipov B. H.2****, Ivanov I. G.1*****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Lyulka Desing Bureau, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia

*****e-mail: Faa2013@yandex.r


Since its advent, the multimode military aviation evolution, both in Russia and in other countries, tends to expand the boundaries of aircraft flight characteristics. The impressive range of modern engines operating conditions for super-maneuverable modern aircraft fighters incessantly increases all types of loads on the load-bearing elements of turbojet bypass engines with an afterburner. The task of military aviation consists in the capability to operate under conditions of frequent and sharp operation modes changes, as well as ensure long term fault-free operation under the impact of maximum loads on the engine. Thus, the progress of aircraft engine building is impossible without enhancing the structure stability to the increasing loads, or, if possible, reducing the impact on the load bearing elements of the engine. The purpose of this work consists in studying methods for constructive reduction of axial forces acting on the high-pressure rotor bearings, and defining the most effective one. For this purpose, comparative analysis of various types of turbojet engines air systems was performed from the viewpoint of the axial forces balance. As the result of studying the load-bearing schemes and various structural solutions, the gas generator of the engine-prototype with the most effective air system was selected. The hydraulic design procedure of the air system was performed according to the presented technique. Computing of axial forces, acting in the engine-prototype at four different modes was performed on its basis. The computational results reveal that the axial force values acting on the high-pressure rotor bearing comes closer to their limits, acceptable for the required service life ensuring. Further, a comparative analysis of the axial forces distribution in the engine optimization techniques was conducted. This allowed selecting the most effective one, according to which measures on the axial pressures changing in the inter-disk cavity were proposed. This, in its turn, allowed obtaining tangible increase in the force, acting on the rear part of the high-pressure turbine disk necessary for the reduction of the resultant loading of the high-pressure bearing, without principal, laborious and costly structure changes, as well as significant increase in the cooling air consumption. This solution is optimal for the set problem of the bearing unloading from the axial forces, and will allow prolong the engine fault-free operation under conditions of maximum loading or sharp changes in the operating modes.


axial forces, high and low pressure rotors, angular contact bearing of high pressure rotor, labyrinth seal


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