Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-131-143
*, **, ***, ****Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: don.yurtaev2016@yadnex.ru
**e-mail: renatbadykov@gmail.com
***e-mail: benedyuk00@bk.ru
****e-mail: senchevmn@mail.ru
As of today, small gas turbine engines are of significant commercial potential in minor power engineering and aviation sectors. However, little attention is being paid in Russia to the issues of the small engines creating despite of the significant experience in the gas turbine engines design and wide infrastructure for their production. A small-sized engine creation, meeting requirements of both power engineering and aviation, will allow necessary energy generation in close vicinity of the place of its consumption. This will significantly reduce transportation losses, and allow, in prospect, making both heat and electric power supply system’s more dynamical and adaptable to the needs of a certain consumer, as well as loading idle production capacities of many aviation plants.
The proposed method for radial clearances determining allows identifying the compressor and turbine rotor and stator behavior more accurately under conditions of high temperature and pressure differences, as well as at various operating modes. With account for the obtained deformations, the radial clearance optimal value may be obtained, as well as both compressor and turbine thrust and efficiency can be computed. This method may be applied as well to the full-sized gas turbine engines and gas turbine plants. However, transient operating modes are characteristic for the gas turbine engines, which necessitates non-stationary gas-dynamics computations performing.
The rotor and stator 3D models obtained in NX CAD and being imported to the ANSYS, where finite element models were created, are being employed for the computational time reduction. Next, computation of gas dynamics is being performed in Fluid Flow (CFX), in which the heat exchange between the working fluid and rotor and stator parts is accounted for, is being performed. The obtained results are being transferred to the Steady-State Thermal for temperature fields distribution computing over rotor and stator, and further to the Static Structural for determining rotor and stator deformations from various factors impact, such as thermal expansion, pressure differential at the back and trough of the vanes, as well as centrifugal forces.
It was determined while computations that the compressor and turbine parts thermal expansion exerts the greatest impact (up to 99%) on the radial clearance. This is associated with the materials employed, as well as high temperatures and large drops in the engine operation.
It is necessary to ensure a radial clearance of at least 0.15 mm to prevent the rotor from touching the stator during transient operating modes at the maximum operating mode. With account for the obtained deformations in the compressor, this condition is being fulfilled at the maximum operating mode with the radial clearance is of 262.04 µm from the side of the leading edge and 274.95 µm from the side of the trailing edge. The authors suggested increasing the mounting radial clearance to 0.4 mm in the turbine. In this case, radial clearance in the turbine at the maximum operation mode will be 250.46 microns from the inlet side, and 183.2 microns from the outlet side.
gas-dynamic analysis in ANSYS, conjugated modeling, radial clearance in the compressor and turbine, rotor and stator parts stress-strain state, finite element models of the turbine and compressor sectors, heat transfer coefficientReferences
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