Fuel combustion efficiency ensuring in low-emission combustion chamber of gas turbine engine under various climate conditions

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-144-155


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia

e-mail: andreybaklanov@bk.ru


The article considers a bypass burner device design for a low-emission combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine running on natural gas. The results of the two burners differing in the swirler flow area studying are presented.

The burner device modification consisted in changing its design by installing a cowling on a swirler, which allowed reducing its flow passage area. As the result of the cowling installation, the swirler channels overlap by 38% occurred compared to the original option. The basic idea of such modernization consisted in forming an expanding channel from the swirler inlet to the nozzle outlet.

The article presents the bench equipment and specifics of the experimental study. The results of the studies on the final gas mixture concentration measuring along the length of the flame of the two burners are presented as well. The said studies revealed that the modernized burner device allowed twofold CH level reduction, i.e. the fuel underburning reduction. Thus, the discussed burning device has been selected for installation into the combustion chamber.

The combustion chamber fire tube refining was performed by organizing an extra air feeding on the walls through elaborating an extra number of orifices. Pressure losses in the combustion chamber, as well as temperature field at the outlet of both stock and modernized combustion chamber were determined. As the result of computation, the excess air ratio behind the flame tube head in nominal rating mode for the NK-38ST gas turbine engine was 2.1 for the for the stock combustion chamber, while it was 1.8 for the modernized one.

The results of the tests revealed that efficiency increase in the whole range of the ambient temperature was being traced for the engine with modernized combustion chamber.


bypass burner, low-emission combustion chamber, combustion completeness, noxious emissions


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