A thechnique for flight check-up of ground-based radio-technical support facilities for flight support with unmanned aerial vehicle application

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-156-170


Golovchenko E. V.1*, Mistrov L. E.2**, Dum'yak S. G.1***

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Central Branch "Russian State University of Justice", Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: evvigo@mail.ru
**e-mail: mistrov_le@mail.ru
***e-mail: serezhad41@gmail.com


The ground-based facilities are being subjected to flight check-ups at putting into operation, in the process of operation and certain special cases for checking parameters and characteristics of ground-based flight support facilities correspondence to the specified operational requirements. The existing techniques application is, in some cases, cumbersome, for example at operational airfields, where operational deployment of radio-technical flight support facilities and their putting into operation is required. The situation may be drastically aggravated under condition of various intended and unintended destabilizing factors impact, including terroristic groups. Not only the failure of technical facilities herewith, but losses among the crew of the aircraft-laboratory are possible.

In this regard, the purpose of the study consists in developing a technique for flight check-ups to ensure their running under conditions of possible destructive impacts on the aircraft-laboratory, its crew, as well as flight check-ups operative organizing.

The set goal pursuing is being achieved by an unmanned aircraft application instead of a manned aircraft-laboratory, as well as by excluding ground means of trajectory measurements from the flight check-up procedure.

The basis of the proposed method of flight checks of ground-based radio-navigation means is to determine the module of difference between the measured value of the ground-based means parameter and its set value for each set point of the unmanned aircraft flight; to correct the flight trajectory taking into account the value obtained at the previous step; to re-flight the unmanned aircraft on the corrected trajectory.

The following items underlie the proposed technique for the flight check-ups of the ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support utilities:

– Determining the absolute value of the difference between the measured parameter (of characteristic) value of a ground-based facility and its set value for each set UAV flight point;

– The flight trajectory correction with account for the value obtained at the previous step;

– The UAV reflight along the corrected trajectory.

The number of repeated flights is being determined by the required measurements accuracy.

The article presents a technique for flight check-ups conducting of ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support facilities employing the UAV, which does not require the ground-based trajectory measuring facilities. A flight control device and a simulation model for the glissade radio beacon testing have been developed. Analysis of its application possibility was performed based on the simulation. The article demonstrates that the landing glissade coordinates determining accuracy is being determined by the coordinates determining accuracy by the UAV.

The proposed method allows

– Excluding the ground means of trajectory measurements application during flight checks;

– Control equipment deployment onboard an unmanned aircraft;

– Performing the UAV flight control of an unmanned aircraft during flight checks-ups without signals from the ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support facilities.

This will allow reducing operational costs, the number of personnel involved and ensuring high operational readiness of the facilities involved.


the flight verification, surface assets of the flight radio technique maintenance, RTM, the unmanned aircraft, the tool for air control, radio transponder


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