Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-1-171-183
Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, 85, Garnaeva str, Feodosia, Crimea Republic, 298112, Russia
e-mail: Ivanovpetr@rambler.ru
Flight tests of new parachute systems often lead to an increased landing speed of weight models with an unacceptably high value of landing overload and loss, along with the layout, of both test materials and expensive flight test equipment. This makes employing a rescue parachute system as a part of a weight model along with the parachute system being tested. The said rescue system should be in constant readiness to its application, and the experiment should be planned so that urgently identify a critical failure and run the rescue parachute system in case of emergency. The presented work is devoted to the cargo rescuing parachute systems development.
The issues of flight test equipment certification for large-area parachute systems were considered in detail in [1], particularly, the requirements for weight models that act as weight equivalents of the landing cargo. Weight models are also being equipped with costly sensors, measuring and recording equipment employed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the tested parachute system functioning.
Flight tests of new parachute equipment, as a rule, are of a high risk of the parachute system failure during its operation with all subsequent negative consequences following this, i.e. accidents of weight models and irretrievable loss of valuable information and expensive equipment.
To preserve the integrity of the weight models, besides the parachute system being tested, which characteristics have to be studied, they should be equipped with the block of parachutes of the rescue parachute system, which is being run in case of the tested parachute system failure.
The task consists in assessing the possible causes, as well as scenarios of the emergencies occurrence and development, possible outcomes in cases of failures in the functioning processes of the tested parachute systems, options for the emergency parachute systems bringing into action and the rescue system selection for the weight model.
The studies of weight models rescuing were being conducted for the first time in [2-4].
The presented article regards in detail the following issues on the task being considered:
– The requirements laid for the rescue parachute system and its functioning specifics;
– Ballistic calculations performing and phase trajectories developing for the weight model free motion;
– Cascading of the system, and determining the canopies areas of the parachute cascades;
– Examples of computations and phase trajectories plotting;
– Minimum permissible height determining of the introduction of the main and braking parachutes of the parachute rescue system;
– Specifics of phase trajectories plotting with account for possible emergencies;
– Development of the flight operations implementation programs logic for the automatics of the rescue parachute system operation control system.
The goal of this work consists in continuing and developing the studies started in [2-4].
weight model, parachute system being tested, rescue parachute system, emergency situationReferences
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